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Friday, March 18, 2016

Homemade Coconut Milk

Hello everyone,
One time in my life, like many times in my life when I try all kinds of crazy things food-wise, lol,  I was trying to stay off dairy products completely, so of course I resulted to nut milk; coconut, almond nut, cashew nut and sometimes rice milk or soy milk.

Now with all those milks not at my beck and call, every now and then I try to make my own nut milk. It is super easy, may be a little labor of love involved if you use a fresh coconut, however there are a couple of short cuts. You can buy unsweetened desiccated coconut, soak it in hot water for couple of hours and then blend and strain.  
But here is my homemade coconut milk.

You'll need:
- 1 whole coconut
- 3 cups of water or  2 times the quantity of the coconut
- Coarse and fine strainer

Step1- Break the coconut and remove the meat from the shell, you need to do this with care as it involves knife work.
Step2- Grate the coconut meat.
Step3- Add the grated coconut and water into a blender and then blend until the coconut is as smooth as possible.
Step4- Strain the milk three times, first with the coarse sieve and the next two times with the fine strainer, this is to make sure there are no particles in the final product.
Step5- Enjoy the coconut milk with cereal, in smoothies or by itself.

I hope you try this soon...

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