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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Nǐ hǎo...easy Chinese chicken fried rice!

Hey lovelies, wassap with y'all? So today we are making Chinese chicken fried rice.
I have made all different variations using different veggies and meats, in my opinion
there are just a few basics with Chinese fried rice, the rest will be left to your discretion 
or whatever you have on hand.
The basics for me are:
Soy sauce
Sesame oil
Green onion
 Of course you would need;
Cooked rice (used brown rice)
Meat (used chicken)
Veggies ( used carrots, corn, peas, garlic, green onion)
Fish sauce
lets make it...
Marinate the sliced chicken for at least 30mins with garlic powder, salt and pepper.
Make scrambled eggs, half done.
 Cook the chicken with little oil until browned.
In a clean pan/wok, saute all the veggies (except the green onion) with a little salt, 
add the cooked rice and chicken, fry for a couple of minutes, add soy sauce and fish sauce, continue frying for a few more minutes.
Add eggs, green onion and sesame oil, fry for one more minute and serve.

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