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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Fish in veggie sea...Grilled fish and veggie!

Hey lovelies, Its a new week and I hope everyone is doing great?
 Recently I have been craving something light, all the grilled chicken salads,  chicken wraps, 
 chicken this and that got me kind of bored, so of course, why not fish this week.

I decided some roast would not hurt anyone. 
 I love this easy one pan meal, lets make it!

Fish (salmon)
Yellow squash
Onion (red)
Salt and Pepper
Garlic powder

Step1- Season fish with salt, pepper and garlic powder.
Step2- Put sliced veggies in a bowl, season with salt and pepper and some oil.
Step3- In the roasting pan, create a bed of sliced ginger and cilantro, lay seasoned fish over the bed.
Step4- Arrange the veggies around the fish and roast in a 400C oven for about 30-45mins or until the fish is cooked.
Step5- Enjoy!

-I didn't roast the broccoli because I prefer it steamed.
-Feel free to change this up as you wish, use different veggies or even chicken.
-This Recipe is really easy and fuss free, try it and let me know what you think.

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