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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Spag with Swag...Spaghetti and meat balls!

 Ciao lovelies, hows everyone doing?
Its been a minute... I am happy to be back and posting again.
So... my wandering taste buds wandered away to Italy and this time brought back 
some yummy spaghetti and meat balls with a twist.

 Lets make it!

Ground Beef (lean) and pork
Minced Garlic
Cubed Cheese
Dried Basil and Oregano
Fresh Parsley
Salt and Pepper

Crumble the bread and leave to soak in some milk for about 30mins.
Add everything else except the cheese into the bread crumbs and mix.
Make medium sized balls, stick one cube of cheese In the center and cover it up.

 Cook the meat in a non-stick pan on medium low heat,
until the meat balls are cooked through.

 Add them to your favorite pasta sauce and simmer on low for about 30-45 minutes

Disregard my amateur garnish hehehe... and please Enjoy!

Watch this recipe here

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