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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Food Gifting- Jamaican Curry Goat

Hello Guys,
Happy Easter! I'm sure we all had a restful Easter weekend.
Every occasion, I think is an excuse to show love, even though you really don't need an occasion to, *just saying*. For me one of the biggest and easiest ways of showing love is giving, just like God loved us and he gave, his son.

So in the Spirit giving, having had this on several occasions at restaurants, I decided to follow my travelling taste buds to Jamaica and make this for the first time. This curry is usually served with Jamaican rice and peas which I made with these and I promise to show you at a later time. Well since this was a gift, reports reaching me from my special recipient is that its was YUMMY!

Let me tell you how I made it!

You'll need:
- Goat meat
- 1/4 cup Curry powder
- 1/2 cup Soy sauce
- 1TBsp Oregano
- 1 TBsp Garlic, chopped
- 1 TBsp Ginger, big chunks
- 1 TBsp Spring Onions, chopped
- 1 TBsp Black pepper
- 3 Bay leaves
- 1 Scotch bonnet or any hot pepper of choice.
- 2 Stock cubes
- 2 cups Coconut milk
- 3 cups water
- Carrots, chopped
- Bells peppers (any color), chopped
- Onions, Chopped

In a bowl, add soy sauce(please use soy sauce not dark soy sauce, like I did, it makes a difference), curry powder, minced garlic, ginger, chopped spring onions, oregano, black pepper, chopped scotch bonnet, add the goat meat and mix, allow this to marinate min of 4 hours or over night.

To cook:
Step1- In a large pot, add all the meat without the marinade over high heat and allow these to sear on all sides for about 2 mins on each side, it would release some liquid and that's fine.
Step2- Add coconut milk, water, bay leaves and the marinade(remove the chunks of ginger), allow to boil for 1 min and then reduce the heat to low and let it cook covered for 1.5 hours, make sure to check ever half hour to stir or add more water if the sauce gets too thick. Also skim of the excess oil released as it cooks.
Step3- Add Chopped carrots, peppers and green onions, allow to cook for about 30-40 mins on med-low, taste to adjust seasoning if necessary and its done.

I hope you give this a try!

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