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Monday, March 5, 2018

I want to lose weight so bad

Fitness is a journey not a destination, even though you may reach your desired body/health goal, you cannot pitch your tent, you have to constantly work towards even maintaining that body.
Image result for i want to lose weight  now
Truth is we all have different bodies and they work differently and respond differently, that been said... the rules remain the same it’s all about the calories, in and out.
I read an article that said something about work outs being almost useless if you were looking to drop counts on the scale.
Working out will keep you looking and healthy and young, its equally good for weight maintenance, however if your goal is to lose a substantial amount of weight, say you want to drop sizes especially on your waist line then it’s all about what goes into your mouth.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Cheesy Garlic Bread

If you enjoyed that pasta recipe, well, here's her sister... The Cheesy Garlic Bread.

Few things matter here, the bread and the cheese. You will need a french baguette or any kind of rustic bread. Your regular white loaf may not give you the expected result.

Both prep and cook time are fairly short and easy, you'll need only a few ingredients, so lets make it.